Friday, March 26, 2010

Relatively Speaking...

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
Helen Keller

I came across this quote this morning and thought it was worth sharing. Helen Keller is a true testament to overcoming adversity. I think though sometimes we have a tendency to view such people as "larger than life" or having faced difficulties much harder than our own. It is important to remember not to downplay our own life challenges - in our day to day experiences, they are as imposing and daunting as the challenges of Helen Keller. Our challenges are largely defined by how we choose to cope with them - NOT by other peoples perception of how difficult they are. Our challenges are all relative to our own experience, therefore it is not for others to judge us as to whose challenges are greater or bigger than others. There are challenges I see others face that make me wonder how I would possibly cope if I were faced with them. By the same token, I know that people look at me and think, "How does she manage all that - the poor dear!" It is very true that "the demons that we know are better than the demons that we don't"...

As I think about the child who will be introduced to my world, I think about challenges in my life - past and present - that I see as "normal" that might be new to them...and wonder what challenges they have faced and overcome - or continue to face daily - that will be very new to me...and realize from the quote above that the common ground will be strength, inspiration and success....(and laughter!)

striving for grace and joy...building character along the way...shash

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