Monday, April 17, 2006

My Horoscope...

Below is today's horoscope for it me, or is anyone else gettin' the sicko parallels??? I'm a pretty skeptical person..I read this at night to see how on target it was...and this is scarily accurate (also not something I am particularly proud of...but I'm still in therapy, give me time, maybe I'll find a Mercury Rising or something!=) catcha' later - sha

"You don't just think deeply, you feel deeply. You consider deeply. You imagine how things could be different on a deep level. You process deeply. You feel strongly about the world in both its spiritual and physical dimensions, and you aren't content if you haven't been able to penetrate to a deep level of understanding of your milieu. So get started. Don't sacrifice your goals for anyone. Pressure being put on you may be a bad sign. Remember that an initial pass at a project is simply that: an initial pass. No one requires that it be perfect (except, possibly, you). Be confident enough to listen to the criticism and do what helps the overall outcome."