Sunday, April 16, 2006

it's rabbit time!!!

some quick thoughts before the bunny gets here...I was doing some thinking about my earlier "rudeness" post. It came to me when I realized that Thursday night marked the beginning of Passover. We all pretty much know that matzah (unleavened bread) is a component of the Passover meal. I have always thought that represented the fact that when the Jews were freed from Egypt, they were short on time and didn't have a chance to let the bread rise. This is true but I also learned that it serves as a reminder in this season to "deflate" our egos. It helps us remember that humility is a component of humanity, something I did not know. I thought this was a good tie-in to the rudeness issue and egocentrism in general. To be self-absorbed and inflated is insulting on our part as children of God - whatever your perception of a divine being may be.
I just thought I would pass that thought along as food for the soul as we all go about our Easter and Passover reflections.

On that note, I wish you all well, and that the bunny hops by your place with lots o goodies...if that's your thing. Either way, welcome in spring by sending some positive energy into the universe and remember that we're all active participants - we can choose positive and fulfilling for ourselves and others, or negative and toxic which is nothing but your trying to lower the bar for everyone around you. It's easier to try to bring others down to our level, but it helps everyone when you work to bring yourself up.
Much love and good vibes...shash